Easy Sukkot Activities

10+ Easy Sukkot Activities and Decorations (in 2024)


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Last Updated on December 1, 2024 by Sarah McCubbin

Using Sukkot Activities with kids or adults is a fun way to introduce them to both Jewish culture and truths from the Bible at the same time. Below are some simple ways to celebrate Sukkot. Pick the ones that work for you…and leave the rest!

Is Sukkot a Major Holiday?

Sukkot is otherwise known as “The Feast of Tabernacles” or “Feast of Booths” lasts 1 week and is one of the 3 Jewish Fall Holidays. It is also traditionally 1 of 3 pilgrimage holidays when the Jewish people used to travel to the Temple in Jerusalem to celebrate.

What is the Main Purpose of Sukkot?

Sukkot remembers when the Jewish people wandered in the desert for 40 years after leaving slavery in Egypt. They lived in temporary shelters during that time which is why families build temporary shelters for this week.

Easy Sukkot Activities

What Are Easy Sukkot Activities?

1. Look Up the Dates For Sukkot in 2024

Sukkot is the third of the Fall Festivals on the Jewish calendar. In 2024, it is celebrated from sunset the evening of October 16 until night October 23.

Major Jewish Holidays Calendar List for current year.

2. What is the Biblical Account for Sukkot in the Torah?

Exodus 23:16 is the first mention of Sukkot before the Jewish people left the promised land.

Exodus 34:22 – another reminder to celebrate this holiday.

Leviticus 23:34 includes details on celebrating Sukkot.

Deuteronomy 16:13-15 talks about the 3 pilgrimage festivals and refers to Sukkot as the Feast of the Ingathering.

Did Jesus Celebrate Sukkot?

In John 7:1–10, we can see Jesus having a conversation with his disciples “When the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near.” After their conversation, Jesus and his disciples seperately go up to the festival.

3. Assemble a Sukkot Lapbook & Activity Pack!

If you have children that enjoy cutting and pasting, you will want to use the next activity pack. Use simple file folders to create a unique lapbook that your child will enjoy. This mini-lapbook covers the key elements of Sukkot as well as many common traditions practiced today. You can keep their hands busy while you talk about the different symbolism in this holiday.

Sukkot Activity Pack

Celebrate other Jewish Holidays with Your Kids Too!

Passover Activity Book and Lapbook

10 Tips: Celebrating Rosh Hashanah for Kids

10 Tips: Yom Kippur Activities for Kids

Note: One of the side benefits of celebrating holidays with kids is the chance to use them to teach social skills! If you are celebrating Sukkot for kids and with kids, you will definitely want to check this out!

13 Ways To Teach Holiday Social Skills for Kids and Teens

4. Read Sukkot Books for Kids With Your Family!

Here are a few fun ones. I love the book, The Feasts of the Lord listed below. It is a wealth of information about all of the Biblical holidays! While not an actual children’s book, it has pictures and details about the history and traditions of each of the holidays making it easy to learn in bite size pieces.

5. Play the Jewish Feasts Memory Game With Your Kids!

If your family is not Jewish, you may struggle to keep up and remember which Feasts happen when. This game is a great way to match up the Jewish and English names for these holidays and put the 7 Feasts of Israel in numeric order! Plus it’s FREE!

Jewish Feasts Memory Game

6. Build a Sukkah!

To build a Sukkah, assemble a frame with three or four walls, leaving a doorway. A temporary pergola would be perfect. Cover the top with S’chach (natural plant materials).

7. Decorate the Sukkah!

Decorate the interior to make it look warm and festive. Add a table and chairs, and hang the traditional Lulav (palm, myrtle and willow branches) and Etrog (citron) decorations.

Other traditional decorations include fruit, gourds, artwork, and posters with Jewish themes. You can easily repurpose other fall festival type decor for Sukkot!

Easy Sukkot Activities

8. Do Harvest Themed Sukkot Activities and Crafts

Activities You Can Do During Sukkot include:

  • Making Sukkot Decorations
  • Make a Sukkot Out of Popsicle Sticks
  • Invite Family and Friends Over For a Meal
  • Make A Paper Chain

Here are 6 MORE Crafts for Sukkot!

9. Make Kreplach and Eat Harvest Inspired Foods!

There are few foods eaten during Sukkot that are extremely traditional. Most meals during this week include a variety of foods inspired by the local harvest and what is plentiful at that time.

However, there is one traditional food made and eaten during this time…Kreplach, meat filled dumplings.

They are actually made of simple basic ingredients most people would have on hand, so definitely try these with your family!
Simple Kreplach Recipe

Read about other traditions on Chabad.org.

10. Watch Videos About Sukkot!

Here is a wonderful video about Sukkot for children from the Jewish perspective.

yom kippur activities

11. Eat Meals in the Sukkah

After a Sukkah is constructed, plan to invite family and friends to eat a meal outdoors in this temporary structure. You can serve your favorite fall foods as well as traditional Jewish kreplach.

You can also invite symbolic guests to your meal. These symbolic guests are known as “ushpizin.”

What is the meaning of Ushpizin?

Ushpizin is the Aramaic for “guests” and refers to the 7 different ancient Jewish forefathers who take turns coming each night “visit” the Sukkah during the Feast of Booths. These ushpizin include Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David

sukkot activity pack

12. Volunteering in the Community

Many Jewish communities focus on helping others in their community during Sukkot. Even if you aren’t Jewish, you can find ways to bless others during this time!

Sukkot is a Time of Joy and Being Together.

Whether you choose to do one or all of these activities, Sukkot is a wonderful time of remember God’s blessings and enjoying the gift of being together with family and friends.

More Reading: