Part of the Jewish Holidays series:
- Celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur: With Honey, Prayers, and the Shofar by Deborah Heiligman
- The Feasts of the Lord by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal
- Once Upon An Apple Cake: A Rosh Hashana Story by Elaina Rubinstein
- Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Activity Book for Kids
- Best Loved Jewish Songs for Hanukkah, Passover, Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot And More.
- I Spy Rosh Hashanah Book For Kids: A Fun Coloring & Guessing Game for Toddlers
- Zoe Discovers the Day of Atonement by Rene Annette Wallace
- Big Bad Wolf's Yom Kippur
- I Spy With My Little Eye Sukkot Book For Kids Ages 2-5 by Arya Hamilton
- Zoe Discovers the Feast of Booths: Understanding Sukkot for Christian Kids by Rene Annette Wallace
- Is It Sukkot Yet? by Chris Barash
- The Best Sukkot Pumpkin Ever by Laya Steinberg
This is a fabulous lesson about God dwelling with Israel during the wilderness journey. Did you ever think about how Jesus came to earth in the flesh? He too models the “temporary dwelling” in His flesh before He ascended to be with the Father.
Let you child revel in the mystery that few Christians realize – God’s appointments with Israel are meaningful for Christians, too! Every holiday teaches us more about God’s faithfulness to Israel and in turn His faithfulness to Christians as well.
Get this for your child or grandchild so they will learn now to appreciate Israel and the holidays and understand the BLESSINGS that come with these celebrations. This third story closes the Fall Holidays with a fun activities and stronger friendships.