Worldview Academy Camp Review (from a Mom of 9)


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Last Updated on June 16, 2024 by Sarah McCubbin

Leadership and worldview training should be top priorities for every Christian parent of teens and the BEST place to do that this summer is Worldview Academy Camp!

Located on college campuses across the nation, these camps provide a place for intentional discipleship, worldview and leadership training, academic challenge and tons of fun. They have easily been one of the best investments we have made in our teens over the past seven years!

This review is all my own opinions and experience. I did not receive compensation. I’m just sharing an awesome experience that our family has loved for many years. Worldview has kindly offered a 10% off discount. Use Code 10MIN

We discovered Worldview leadership camps when our oldest son was about 15 years old. He would end up attending for three summers and all of our other teens have followed. This year our 7th child attended Worldview Camp for the first time! 

As parents, we have the opportunity to use the resources that we have to do a LOT of different things. We can pay for sports, eat out often, buy name brand whatever or go on amazing vacations. There is nothing wrong with any of that. But at the forefront of our minds, as Jesus followers, we should always remember the challenge in Deuteronomy 6:6-7

These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.

If we are to train up our children in the way they should go, we need to be actively participating in that process. We need to weigh and consider ALL the choices we have and decide how we will honor those commands in the course of daily life. 

I don’t know about you, but my teens don’t always want to talk to me…especially when I go into “God mode”….you know…when I’m saying, “What does God have to say about XYZ? Does God want you to do that? Have you prayed about it.”  The questions can be perfectly relevant but they don’t always want my input. 

I don’t think we are the only parents with this challenge!!  

As we have tried to navigate this in our family, we have been so grateful for the influence and support of Worldview Academy Camp in the lives of our teens. As a non-denominational organization, they are not trying to push denominational distinctives. Instead, over and over all week long they challenge students to develop a Biblical worldview by going back to the Word of God to figure out how they should live in a culture that doesn’t value the Bible as a source of truth. 

Images used with permission from Worldview Camp

What Is Worldview Academy Camp?

Worldview Academy is an organization dedicated to helping parents teach their students a Biblical worldview. A Biblical worldview is one that seeks to go back to the Bible for truth rather than looking to the culture.

Worldview camps are held on college campuses across the United States. They are 6 days long and for students ages 13 to 18.

During the course of the week, students attend lectures, engage in great discussions, enjoy team building games, focus on their relationship with Jesus and practice talking about faith with other people.

Essentially, over the course of one week, they focus on their true identity in Christ, the Bible as the source of truth and what that means as they try to live in this world.

And man…its just amazing. We have seen such growth in our teens as they have attended. Several times, we have dropped off a teen who seems a bit boorish and obnoxious and picked them up 6 days later only to find they are much more open to conversations about life and faith.

There is something about that one week immersive experience that stirs up an interest in deeper spiritual things.

Images used with permission from Worldview Camp

What Does Worldview Offer?

1. Foundation in Faith and Reason

At the core of Worldview Camp is the commitment to teaching students how to think and live from a Biblical perspective. In a world often seen through the lens of relativism and secularism, the camp offers a refreshing focus on truth, grounded in Scripture. Through engaging seminars, thoughtful discussions, and personal reflection, teens are challenged to explore and deepen their faith, understanding not just the what but the why behind their beliefs.

I’ll never forget the year my VERY active football player son went to Worldview for the first time. He resisted the idea. It sounded boring. Who would want to listen to lectures. That sounded dumb! Five days after dropping him off, I picked him up at camp. He was lit up! 

I’ll never forget him saying, “That was the BEST week of my life.” 

He LOVED the lectures. The combination of training them to be bold leaders, paired with quiet times and lectures on the WHY their beliefs mattered began a transformation in that son. 

worldview academy camp

2. Leadership Development

Leadership is not merely about holding a position; it’s about character, influence, and serving others. Worldview Academy emphasizes developing servant leaders who are prepared to make a difference in their communities and beyond. Through practical workshops and activities, students learn the principles of effective leadership, including communication, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making. These skills are invaluable, transcending the camp experience and impacting every area of a young person’s life.

In our family, we take the lessons they learn at Worldview and bring that into our daily lives. For us, it isn’t a “once a year” experience but a lifestyle. Every day, we ask, “How should I live in light of Scripture?” Whether we are talking about relationships, risky behavior or thinking about the future, it all matters in light of the Word.

I love that Worldview prepares them to make decisions that are unpopular in the culture by having the bigger conversations in academic environment. It has been such an encouragement to us as parents to have the values we are trying to teach at home reinforced in a completely different environment. Having a week to wrestle through different topics with peers has made our kids much more open to REAL conversations at home.

worldview camp lecture
worldview camp lecture
worldview camp lecture
Images used with permission from Worldview Camp

3. Community and Fellowship

One of the most impactful aspects of the camp experience is the community it builds. Teens have the opportunity to connect with peers from diverse backgrounds, united by a common faith and purpose. This environment of fellowship fosters deep friendships, encourages mutual support, and creates a space where teens can be open and honest about their struggles and victories. The sense of belonging and shared growth is often cited by attendees as a highlight of their experience.

Each teen is part of a team, a group of similar aged peers, that they spend a lot of time with. No one is an outsider. Instead, students engage in a small group, have discussions and think about big life topics all with the guidance of a student leader. 

I was so excited to run into Worldview leaders at the HSLDA conference in 2022!

4. Cultural Engagement

Understanding the times and knowing what to do is a Biblical mandate that Worldview Academy takes seriously. The camp prepares students to engage thoughtfully with culture, equipping them to discern and respond to the challenges of our day from a Christian perspective. Topics such as ethics, apologetics, and social issues are explored, helping teens to navigate the complexities of modern society with wisdom and grace.

My kid’s have loved exploring current events and news stories through a Biblical lense. The question is often asked, “How should we as believers respond in a situation like THIS?” This launches a conversation that circles back to the Bible over and over as teens are encouraged to wrestle through hard topics.

worldview camp quiet time
worldview camp small group
worldview camp quiet time
Images used with permission from Worldview Camp

5. Safe and Supportive Environment

Safety and well-being are top priorities at Worldview Academy Camp. The staff and leaders are not only qualified in their fields but are also deeply committed to providing a nurturing and supportive environment for all students. This peace of mind allows parents to trust that their teens are not only receiving exceptional instruction but are also cared for and valued as individuals.

As a parent of teens of of various ages, I truly appreciate that their roommates and small group members all within a year of age. This has led to my kids being able to connect with other students in their group easily.

worldview academy camp

Worldview Camp Is a Solid Investment in Your Teen’s Future

Choosing Worldview Academy Camp for your teenager is more than just planning a summer activity; it’s investing in their future. By fostering a strong foundation in faith, leadership skills, community, cultural understanding, personal growth, and safety, the camp experience promises to be transformative. In a world in need of thoughtful, compassionate, and capable leaders, Worldview Academy Camp is a vital stepping stone in preparing the next generation to rise to that call. For more information and to register, visit Worldview Academy’s official website.

As parents and guardians, the decision to invest in a camp experience like Worldview Academy’s is indeed a profound one. It’s an opportunity to equip your teens not just for the challenges of today, but for the leadership demands of tomorrow. In nurturing their spiritual, intellectual, and social growth, you are laying the groundwork for a future marked by purpose, impact, and faithfulness.

Earn College Credit at Worldview Camp

One cool opportunity for Worldview students is the opportunity to earn college credit through their week at Worldview. Through Corban University, students are able to earn 2 college credits. They simply fill out a short application at Corban at least a week before camp starts and get a passing score on the final test at Worldview. One of my sons did this and it was great!
Here is college credit info!

Commonly Asked Questions About Worldview Camp

Below are many of the questions people ask when considering Worldview. They were questions we asked too!

Where are Worldview Camps Located?

There are camps located all over the United States. Find the camp closest to you!

What are Worldview Camp core beliefs?

In our experience, Worldview has always sought to teach a Biblical worldview but has not pressured our kids to adopt specific denominational beliefs. There have been a few things that we didn’t necessarily agree every nuance, but it wasn’t a deal breaker because the whole camp experience is teaching students to actually wrestle with what they believe and line it up with the Bible as a lifestyle.

Worldview Camp core beliefs

How Much Does Worldview Camp Cost?

For the 2024 Summer, a week of camp is about $850 per student for one week. (Use Coupon Code: 10MIN to save 10%)

Are There Scholarships Available?

Yes! That number may seem intimidating. There are scholarships available to cover part of the camp fees. In addition, at the end of a camp week, families can take advantage of a discount on next year’s camp.
In our family, because we had up to 4 students going at a time, we worked out a deal with our kids that after the first year they would begin to pay more and more of their fees. And because they worked, they did. It has been an awesome way for them to own their education and their faith choices.

Worldview Camp Scholarship Info

Sarah McCubbin and her husband and 9 kids live in Ohio. She loves talking about all kinds of education topics and is passionate about helping families find the best education options in each season! Socially awkward growing up, she loves to help families teach life skills, social skills and leadership.

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