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Everyday Life Skills Contributor Page
What Is the Everyday Life Skills Bundle?
The 2024 Everyday Life Skills Bundle is designed to be a collaboration between individuals who serve children, teens and parents in a variety of areas related to life skills and social-emotional skills.
If you are a creator, teacher, or professional who serves families in any of those ways, I’d love to work together.
This Everyday Life Skills Bundle will have a free version…and a paid upsell version. All contributors will have affiliate accounts set up on Thrivecart so you can earn a commission off any bumps from sharing your link!
Ten Minute Momentum is a Christian company. Contributions do not need to be faith based, but they cannot contradict the Christian faith or values.
Bundle Contributions can be printables, webinars, courses, ebooks etc. However, they cannot be any one-on-one offers. (More details below)
Benefits of Participating
There are MANY benefits of participating in this bundle.
1. This is the first of many collaborations (hopefully!) to connect individuals and businesses who support parents through life skills and social emotional skills. Most groups are niched to specific areas of education (homeschooling, teachers, life coaches, therapists etc) but this group will be a cross section that reaches across those areas to help ANY parent who is looking for help in this area. This is a GREAT way to connect with people outside your normal collaborations!
2. This is a great way to grow your e-mail list with e-mail addresses of the people who who are interested in and excited about your products and services
3. You can further monetize your participating in this bundle by creating a tripwire on your landing page to increase revenue from this bundle.
Basic Information
What to do:
1. Submit a printable resource that you will give to everyone who visits your landing page to sign up. This should be a high quality resource that you would normally sell..not a freebie on your site. (Minimum value $5.) (Note…You may upgrade your freebie by adding additional connect to make it a more valuable product that is worth \$5) Your product should be something that can help parents teach or reinforce a life skill or social-emotional skill (not an academic skill). It could also be a resource to help PARENTS with a life skill (because we are all learning..and whatever we learn we can then teach our kids!)
2. (Optional) Submit a second resource for the paid bundle. This can be a printable, webinar, course, bundle of products, e-book etc. Only the people that pay for the BUMP will receive these items.
Resources Ideas:
- Help kids, teens or adults with life skills or social emotional skills
- Teach or use a basic skill – cooking/cleaning/self-care/how to…
- Help teens prepare for adulthood
- Teach the nuances of different social skills
- Use one skill to teach another…(learn how to handle money through a grocery game or grocery shopping)
- Help parents with skills they are lacking
- Topics could include…budgeting or money skills, job skills, home skills like cooking, gardening, food preservation, planning, hospitality, fixing things, how to plan trips, projects, for holidays. It could also include tips on how to plan a “unit” of study for kids that are interested in a specific topic and more
Free Bundle (Required)
Paid Bundle Bump (Optional)
1. Submit a printable resource that you will give to everyone who visits your landing page to sign up. This should be a high quality resource that you would normally sell..not a freebie on your site. (Minimum value $5.) (Note…You may upgrade your freebie by adding additional connect to make it a more valuable product that is worth $5)
2. Create a landing page where people can go to get your Free item. A landing page will allow you to collect their email address.
Use Coupon Code LSB24 if your Free item requires a coupon code.
Please make your coupon go through February 29, 2024.
Directions for creating a landing page will be provided if needed.
3. (Optional) Include a Store Coupon for an additional offer from your store.
4. 40% Affiliate Commission
5. Receive Email addresses from those who download your products
1. Submit a 2nd resource for the paid bundle. This can be a printable, webinar, course, bundle of products, e-book etc. Only the people that pay for the BUMP will receive these items.
2. Create a landing page for your Optional Second Resource.
Use Coupon Code LIFESKILLS24 if your BUMP item requires a coupon code.
Please make your coupon go through March 20. 2024.
Directions for creating a landing page will be provided if needed.
3. 60% Affiliate Commission
4. Receive Email address from those who download your free product…AND ALL of the Super Pass Emails!
5. A Free Copy of the Super Bundle before Promotion begins so you can see it and use it.
Promotion Requirements
Contributors are required to share the Free Bundle with your email list ONE time and with your social media THREE times during the promo period.
Deadline to submit materials January 8
Deadline for all landing pages to be working correctly January 15
Promo Period Begins (Send People to Waiting List With Y
Affiliate Information
-Everyone will receive the Basic Life Skills Pass for free. They will receive instant access to a PDF with links to all of the landing pages with Free offer.
Affiliation Info: We will be offering parents the option to purchase the Life Skills Super Pass with Bonus resources that will help their family improve life skills much more quickly! In this bundle we will include instant access to a PDF with images, descriptions, coupon codes and links to all of the “Life Skills Super Pass” resources.
All basic contributors will get 40% affiliate commission for each Super Pass purchased through your affiliate link. Super Pass Contributors will get 60% commission for each Super Pass purchased through their affiliate link.
Super Pass Contributor Bonus: You will get ALL the email addresses for everyone who purchases the Super Pass…not just those who download your product!
Sign Up As An Affiliate Here!
Sponsorship Information
Sponsorships (4 spots available)
- Cost $50
- Sponsored products will be placed first at the top of the bundle page (Both the Basic & Super Pass pages).
- Sponsored products will be featured at the top of one daily email sent to registrants during the bundle offering.
- Sponsors will have the option to offer a pre-recorded video in the Facebook group during the week that the bundle is live. This video should provide value and education and can also promote your resource in the bundle.
Important Links
Email Swipe Files
Facebook Group
Sign Up As An Affiliate
Login to Affiliate Account